? www.goernitz.de - Forschung - Vorträge
Forschung - Geist und Materie

Scientific articles

Quantum Theory and the Nature of Consciousness

Thomas Görnitz
2017 online first in
Foundations of Science;
DOI : 10.1007/s10699-017-9536-9

The structures of interactions -
How to explain the gauge groups U(1), SU(2 and SU(3)

Thomas Görnitz, U Schomäcker
2016 online first in
Foundations of Science;
DOI : 10.1007/s10699-016-9507-6

Simplest quantum structures and the foundation of interaction
Thomas Görnitz
Reviews in Theoretical Science;
Volume 2, Number 4,
Dez. 2014, pp. 289-300(12)

What Happens Inside a Black Hole?
Thomas Görnitz
Quantum Matter;
Volume 2, Number 1,
Feb. 2013 , pp. 21-24(4)

Quantum Particles From Quantum Information
Thomas Görnitz, U Schomäcker
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series 380 (2012)
012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/380/1/012025

How is the Universe Actually Expanding?
Thomas Görnitz
Advanced Science Letters;
Volume 10, Number 1,
May 2012 , pp. 138-139(2)

Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker - was wird bleiben?
Thomas Görnitz
in: Ulrich Bartosch, Reiner Braun (Hg.)
Perspektiven und Begegnungen -
Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker zum 100. Geburtstag

Lit, Berlin, 2012

Quantum Theory as Universal Theory of Structures - Essentially from Cosmos to Consciousness
Thomas Görnitz
in: Advances in Quantum Theory;
ISBN 978-953-51-0087-4
Edited by: Ion I. Cotaescu
Publisher: InTech, February 2012

Brigitte Görnitz:
Zeiterleben und Zeitstrukturen im Psychischen

Thomas Görnitz:
Naturwissenschaft über Zeit und Ewigkeit

in: Theologie im Gespräch mit empirischen Wissenschaften;
ISBN 978-3-374-03033-0
Edited by: Matthias Petzold
Publisher: Veröffentlichungen der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie, 2012

The Meaning of Quantum Theory - Reinterpreting the Copenhagen Interpretation
Thomas Görnitz
Advanced Science Letters;
Vol. 4,3727-3734, 2011

Bewusstsein - naturwissenschaftlich betrachtet und enträtselt - ein Brückenschlag zwischen den Wissenschaften
Thomas Görnitz
in: Ich denke, also bin ich Ich?;
ISBN 978-3-525-56963-4
Edited by:
Tobias Müller, Thomas M. Schmidt
Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; 2011

Deriving General Relativity from Considerations on Quantum Information
Thomas Görnitz
Advanced Science Letters;
Vol. 4, 577-585, 2011

Quantum Theory - essential from Cosmos to Consciousness
Thomas Görnitz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 237 (2010) 012011

Cosmology and Particle Physics
Thomas Görnitz
in: The Structure of Physics by Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker, edited,revised and enlarged by Thomas Görnitz and Holger Lyre, Springer 2006

Quantum Field Theory of Binary Alternatives
Thomas Görnitz, Dirk Graudenz,
Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker
International Journal of Theoretical Physics; Vol. 31, No. 11, 1992, pp. 1929-1959

Temporal Asymmetry as Precondition of Experience.
The Foundation of the Arrow of Time

Thomas Görnitz, Eva Ruhnau,
Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker
International Journal of Theoretical Physics; Vol. 31, No. 1, 1992, S. 37 - 46

Steps in the Philosophy of Quantum Theory
Thomas Görnitz, Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker
in Hennig, J., Lücke, W., Tolar, J. (eds): Differential Geometry, Group Representations, and Quantization; Lect. Notes in Physics 379, Springer, Berlin, New York, 1991
S. 265 - 280

The Role of Parabose-Statistics in Making Abstract Quantum Theory Concrete
Thomas Görnitz
in Gruber, B., Biedenharn, L. C., Doebner, H. D. (eds): Symmetries in Science V; Plenum, New York, London, 1991
S. 279 - 292

Connections between Abstract Quantum Theory and Space-Time-Structure
III. Vacuum Structure and Black Holes
Thomas Görnitz, Eva Ruhnau
International Journal of Theoretical Physics; Vol. 28, Nr. 6. 1989
S. 651 - 657

Connections between Abstract Quantum Theory and Space-Time Structure
II. A Model of Cosmological Evolution
Thomas Görnitz
International Journal of Theoretical Physics; Vol. 27, No. 6, 1988
S. 659 - 666

Abstract Quantum Theory and Space-Time Structure
I. Ur Theory and Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy
Thomas Görnitz
International Journal of Theoretical Physics.
Vol. 27, Nr.5, 1988
S. 527 - 542

Reconstruction of Abstract Quantum Theory
Michael Drieschner, Thomas Görnitz, Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker
International Journal of Theoretical Physics.
Vol. 27, Nr.3, 1988
S. 289 - 306

Copenhagen and Transactional Interpretations
Thomas Görnitz, Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker
International Journal of Theoretical Physics.
Vol. 27, Nr.2, 1988
S. 921 - 936

Quantum Interpretations
Thomas Görnitz, Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker
International Journal of Theoretical Physics.
Vol. 26, Nr.10, 1987
S. 921 - 936

De-Sitter Representations and the Particle Concept in an Ur-Theoretical Cosmological Model
Thomas Görnitz, Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker
In: Barut, A. O., Doebner, H.-D. (Eds.)
Conformal Groups and Related Symmetries, Physical Results and Mathematical Background, Lect. Notes in Physics 261, Berlin, Springer Verl., 1986
pp. 527-542

New Look at the Large Numbers
Thomas Görnitz
International Journal of Theoretical Physics.
Vol. 25, Nr.8, 1986
S. 897 - 904


